The 4 Types of Internet Troll

Hello I'm Nik Design
3 min readSep 2, 2017
The 1990s were full of great ideas for toys :/


You know the ones, the angry people who feel the need to direct their unhappy lives at anyone on the internet (not the toys from the 90s).

I’ve been exposed to these types of people with the gaming stuff I do for a few years. I watch YouTube livestreams and I’m part of the community on Twitter. Also since Brexit, Tr*mp got into power, the coronavirus hit and BLM, things online have been very divided. Lots of bots, which makes things unfair, lots of angry, fearful people directing their fear at the wrong places.

One of the things that connects them all is their inability to see anything from another’s point of view or see they need to look inside themselves.

People 🙄

Part of a discussion over on Linkedin a few years ago with a connection who’d captured his first troll.

His post (as always) was colourful and funny, he suggested that he’d had one because he was popular now, trolls like to push people down and that he’d finally made it!

Which made me think about my own experiences.

Trolls in livestream chats and on social media platforms are annoying and pesky but understanding that their actions have nothing to do with you makes it easier to just block and move on.

Also a huge thing for me is I try to ‘educate’ but generally I just get wrapped up in other people’s bad days, which leads to me losing my soul. So I’ve adapted how I use Twitter to save myself this daily energy loss.

Have you witnessed any of this behaviour before;

The ‘I’m really unhappy with my life and it’s all your fault’

Unhappy with their very existence, they use social media to have a go at everyone. Uses predominantly capitals to express their anger, disagrees with everything, isn’t on a side is just happy being defiant. Even if you’re reasonable, just won’t see it from any other point of view.

The ‘I Am King Kong’

Doesn’t understand that other people exist in the world with different opinions and ideas on things, believes everything they say and think is literally the last word. Gets angry at anyone who disagrees and corrects them from his point of view. Calls all people (even men) a ‘Karen’.

The ‘bored’

Busts into a livestream chat or a conversation on social media, clearly bored — they either troll or make up some shit to get noticed.

The ‘Imma take the wind out of yo’ sails’

Gets jealous at people doing their thing, has to piss on their chips at every given opportunity by sarcastically asking if they want a medal for doing it or stating they’re better than you at it so what’s the point in you doing it.

There’s more, that come under the bigot title, which I honestly feel sad exists. I don’t want to give them airtime, so I’ll leave them for you to find, or hopefully not find (fingers crossed).

Updated: June 2020

Hello, I’m Nik, I specialise in Marketing & Brand Design for start-ups and small businesses. I also enjoy writing about authenticity and emotional + experience based thoughts and positive outcomes.

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Hello I'm Nik Design

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